Sunday, February 3, 2008


I've been trying to make a conscious effort to pray on my knees in the morning. Sometimes my intentions work out and other times, they don't. It all depends on when Alise wakes up. One morning last week, I had just gotten on my knees beside the bed and began praying when I heard Alise begin to stir in her room. Normally, I go straight to her room when I hear her, but I felt urged to continue to stay where I was and finish praying. A few minutes later, Alise came bounding into our bedroom with the bright light blinding her. She found me on my knees and my hands clasped together. When she was finally able to focus, she said, "Mommie praying?" I said, "Yes, baby. Mommie is saying her prayers this morning." She also noticed that I had in front of me, one of Beth Moore's scripture cards. She looked at it, but never questioned me about it. Later that night, I was putting Alise to bed. Forgetting what had happened that morning, I noticed that she went running into my bedroom instead of kneeling beside her bed like she normally does. When she finally did make it back to her room, I noticed that she was holding on of my Beth Moore cards (I usually keep them on my night stand). The moment touched my heart. Talk about an example to my daughter! Even though she couldn't read the card, I let her hold it while she said her prayers. Here is the verse she held in her hand: "I desire that these things will be remembered before You: my work produced by faith, my labor prompted by love, and my endurance inspired by hope in my Lord Jesus Christ" I Thessalonians 1:3 (personalized by Beth). What a blessing! The moment just made my soul burst with joy because that is my deepest prayer for her is that she will come to know and accept the Lord one day. Amid all the chaos, all the detours and disappointments in life, if I can just live to see that day, then I feel like one of purposes of my life will have been fulfilled.

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