Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mr. M

Last week at church, Mr. M caught me in the hallway of the children's wing and told me that he woke up one morning the week before thinking about my husband. He said, "You know, the older your husband becomes, the more he is like his daddy was. He would just do anything for anybody and Wayne is that way and becoming more and more like his father." When Mr. M said those words to me, it brought tears to my eyes. I asked him if he would share that with Wayne himself and later, I found the two of them in the hall talking when I went to Alise's class to return the beeper.

I absolutely love when people compare Wayne to his dad. Mainly because it brings back so many (short) memories of a special loved one. Hollis was just a great Christian man in my eyes and so many people appreciated his kindness. He wasn't perfect, but he truly loved God and his family. I've said so many times before - and still wish - that he was still here with us. I, too, can see much of Hollis in Wayne. After all, they have the same name. But Wayne has such a great work ethic. He isn't lazy and he provides for me and Alise. He loves to hunt - something that he and his dad did together. He loves to eat, but his hands aren't quite as big as his daddy's (I don't think).

I am just very grateful that Hollis was a great example to his son. Wayne treats Alise and I like queens and we come first 99.9% of the time - outside of hunting season and work occasionally. He goes to church and I don't have to worry about where he is or what he's doing. He calls me to tell me he loves me and he also calls to ask "what's for supper" in the middle of the afternoon like his dad use to do to Ruth.

So right now - just like I did last week during my conversation with Mr. M - I'm falling in love with my husband again. And not just because it's my birthday!

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