Thursday, March 20, 2008


I haven't really talked to my friend this week. I don't like to question her about her permiscuous(sp?) lifestyle, because I feel like that gives her the wrong I'm more interested in what she's done than whether she is beginning to turn the corner. It's simply better if she just moves forward. But this afternoon, she came in my office and sat a while and talked. She told me that her counselor suggested she read a book and complete a workbook. I think she said the name of it was "Searching for Significance." It sounds like a good start to me. Today for the first time, she begin to "make sense." She knows what she needs to do to turn her life around. If she will just follow through. Anyway, I had forwarded my friend an email that one of my Bible study friends had sent me this morning about answering a prayer for a fellow group member. She asked me if I had my Bible study group a few nights ago...and referenced the email that I had forwarded her. I told her that I did and the reason I didn't think to say anymore to her about it was because I thought if she really wanted to go she would say something to me. My friend said, "Well, I forgot about it, but I probably should have went." I was shocked that she said that. I didn't think she had really shown an interest when I invited her last week.

The fact is, my friend is searching for something. And I know that she's been looking in all the wrong places to find it. Yes, she's made bad choices, but like anyone with a sound mind, she knows the difference between right and wrong. But sometimes I wonder if she's just sorry that she got caught. How long would she have kept this charade going? I guess the good point is that she's trying to do something about it. I think she really wants to turn her life around. And somehow, someway, I feel like I am a part of that. I feel like I am suppose to help her turn this corner. I continue to remember to "love the sinner, hate the sin."

My friend told me that she was going to church on Sunday. She said she was going to church with her parents; said it was a small church. I told her about our church having Easter services at the colesium, but she didn't sound interested. She did make the comment, "I usually go on holidays." I don't know many people who say that. All my friends go to church. But I think she is the exact person who Bill reminds us from time to time that are looking....searching for something....and I know that I may be the only glimpse of Jesus that she'll see. I just pray that even through my mistakes and weaknesses, she will see Him in me and eventually want the same thing for her life, too.

P.S. I forgot to mention the most important thing! I told my friend - when we were talking about my Bible study group - that my group asked about her when we were talking about prayer requests. She said, "They did?" I said, "Yes, they wanted to know how you were doing." I think she was really surprised about that. But it made me feel good that my friends cared enough to ask and my friend was interested enough to ask about my group. Is it God, or what concerning how all this is coming together?

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