Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Called By Name

I think it's a pretty special thing that Jesus chose to reveal himself to women first after his ressurection. Out of all the people in the world - His 12 disciples included - He chose women. Most importantly, Mary Magdalene. He could have chose Peter or even John. They had been singled out from amooung the 12 to witness countless other miracles and yet Jesus still chose a woman.

Tonight, I read my Bible Study group out of John chapter 20. It's the story of Jesus revealing himself to Mary. She went to the tomb early that morning, before daylight, to carry spices for the burial of her Savior. When she get there, the stone has been rolled away and there are two angels. They ask her why she is crying. She simply want to know what they have done with her Savior. She turns and sees a man that she thinks is the gardener. He asks her why she is weeping. She begs him that if he knows what happened to Jesus to tell her. Jesus simply says, "Mary."

My mom could get my attention real quick when she said my name a certain way when I was growing up. If she said, "Laura Renee", I knew I was in trouble. If she said it through clintched teeth, I knew I was REALLY in for it! But yet, all Jesus said was "Mary." Simple. Peaceful. Comforting. In that one name, Christ said it all. He said, "I know you weep for me, but there is no need for your tears. I am here. I am alive. Now, be my messenger and go tell others."

My point tonight was that when we earnestly and sincerely go looking for Christ, he will be found. He will call us, acknowledge us, and love us. He will call us by name. For He knows everything about us.

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