Tuesday, September 18, 2007


You’ll never believe what I did today! I bought myself a new Bible. I know I’ve got a thousand Bibles, but my favorite one, my study Bible, is tearing up and the new turquoise and brown Bible caught my eye when I was in Lifeway at lunch. I knew I had to get it when I opened the Bible up and the page it fell open to had this verse highlighted in the margin: “The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the broken-hearted.” What a gift! I began crying right there in the store. I finally had a word for what I was feeling: broken-hearted.

Actually, it's even a miracle that I went to Lifeway today. I had emailed my mother about my doctor's appointment yesterday and she suggested I get a book from our church library on this particuliar subject. Instead of the church library, I thought about the Christian bookstore and went there in search of a particuliar book. It just so happened that I found myself on the Bible aisle and then found this particuliar Bible with that particuliar verse. I believe it was God reaching out to me.

And then, when I was sitting in the Sonic drive-thru line, I heard these lyrics from the Desperation Band on the radio: "I need you Jesus/Come to my rescue/Where else can I go?" How else can you describe "broken-hearted"?

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