Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Philippians 2:13 - Continued

I can not believe the people and situations God has placed me in the last two days. Here goes:

Yesterday, I had lunch with a friend that I've been thinking about and praying for for several months. I invited her to our Bible Study in July. She and I had lunch together yesterday and I asked if she thought she might come to Bible Study. She told me that she thought she might. We're planning on watching the new Chonda Pierce video and I asked if she had ever heard of her. She said she had. She told me that she had actually attended a Women of Faith conference a few years ago. I was shocked. When I asked if she knew about Beth Moore, she told me she did. Shocker number two. I don't mean to be mean or sarcastic. I just mean it in a way....well, I can't really describe it. We all have moments when we're involved in things that we shouldn't be. Obviously, my friend comes from a Christian home. She talked about church, but I don't think she is living the life that is indicative of it right now. Enough said.

Today I had a little time to kill in between spot checking inventory at the hospital. One of our managers and I had a very interesting conversation about the book of Ruth. He and his wife attend a church in West Monroe and he said that they have been listening to Bill on the radio after they get home from their church. AS said that he really liked Bill and so did his wife, so I invited them to our church. AS said he really wanted to go but that his wife's family is really deep-rooted in the church they currently attend. He also told me that he came from a Catholic background and that he was not a member of that church. That statement spoke volumes. So we talked about the book of Ruth for a while; I don't think he got the concept of the whole "kindsman redeemer" idea. AS thought that the relationship between Naomi and Ruth was more important; he couldn't understand the love relationship between Ruth and Boaz. He called Boaz Ruth's "sugar daddy" and said that he even voiced this in his own S.S. class (their S.S. class was studying the book of Ruth the same time Bill was preaching on it at our church)! I laughed and said, "AS, I CANNOT believe you said the word 'sugar daddy' in a S.S. class!!" I tried to explain to him even if that WERE the case (which I don't believe it was...), that even God can take something so "bad" and turn it into good for His glory. I asked him if he heard Bill's part of the sermon that talked about Ruth being in the lineage of Christ. He hadn't. We finally had to go back to work. This whole conversation happened today after I even posted my entry last night! I can't help but wonder what is going to happen tomorrow.

Philippians 2:13 was just a verse that God gave me late Sunday night when I opened my Bible. I've decided to start memorizing scripture again and so this is my verse to memorize this week. Little did I know what was about to happen.

I'm not quite sure exactly what "God is working in me." I remember today when AS and I were having our conversation, in my mind I was asking, "God, what are you doing here? What am I suppose to say?" At this point, all I can do is hope and pray that I am doing "what pleases Him."

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