Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ms. L

Some husbands give their wives jewelry when they have a baby. For instance, a friend of mine got new diamond earrings from her man for having another baby. Some get a new slide for their slide bracelet or maybe a new necklace with the baby’s birthstone. Me? I got a maid! Yep, that’s right! A maid!

Now, don’t get me wrong. Ms. L is like a breath of fresh air to me. She’s like a little angel that sneaks in to our home when nobody is looking. She sprinkles a little pixy dust and works her magic every other week. I LOVE every other Thursday…knowing that I’ll be coming home to a nice, clean “orderly” home. Even Alise has begun to notice her bed being made and her toys are in their place on the Thursdays afternoons after Ms. L comes! The way I remember how long Ms. L has been cleaning our house is by the age of Alise. I absolutely love the fact, that I don’t have to worry about doing housework (cleaning) and so therefore, it allows me more time to spend with Baby Girl (I will do some “touch up” cleaning in between weeks).

But the Wednesdays before Ms. L comes the next day? Well, that’s a different story! All three Horton’s are running around picking up and straightening up so that at least everything is out of the way of the things that are to be cleaned. Alise has to pick up all her toys, I have to tidy the kitchen (Ms. L doesn’t do dishes), Wayne has to gather the trash and pick up after himself, I have to hang clothes that I’ve just thrown on the rocking chair in our bedroom…the list goes on and on! We’re running around cleaning for the maid!! And, of course, my husband just doesn’t understand it! He asks, “What are we paying her for?”

Last night I was thinking that I would have to do the same running around and straightening up today to get ready for Ms. L’s visit tomorrow. And then, something struck me: How often do people think that they’ve got to get their lives in order before they can come to Jesus? Just like I think that my house needs to be “picked up” before the maid can come, so many people think, “Well, I’ve got to quit smoking before I can get saved” or “I’ve got to quit hanging out at the bars before I can talk to God again” or “I’ve got to get married and have a family before I can start going to church?” And even as a daughter of Christ, I make the same mistakes in my own life. I don’t put God first nearly as much as I should. I think, “Oh, just let me write one more email” or “Let me fold just one more load of laundry before I open my Bible” and God gets the leftovers. By then, I’m drained and tired and my mind is not totally focused on what He might have to say to me. Jesus said to simply “Come.” “Come unto Me, all you who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest.”

No matter what you’re going through – or what you’ve done or currently doing – Jesus will give you the rest and peace you need. You simply have to take Him at His word and believe that He is Who He says He is! The Great I AM.

So….I’m back on my knees in the mornings (most of the time before Alise wakes up! This morning, I could hear Hannah Montana in the living room while I prayed. Imagine that! But I was able to block her out!) reading from Psalms and Proverbs. At night, I read my Bible and do a short devotional. It’s hard getting back into habits. But this is one habit that I know I will benefit the most from. I encourage you to get in God’s Word and let the Great I AM speak to you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a maid? what a brilliant idea! i am jealous :) i love your blog! my mom has a cross collection as well. she hangs it in the entry way of her home. when she travels, she gets a new cross from a new state and puts it on the wall. each cross has a story about the trip.

i agree with can often be a strugle for me as well to always put God number one in everything i do on a daily basis. thank goodness for his grace!

be sure to swing by The Pink Potpourri this weekend! i update my blog every weekday, with a giveaway EVERY weekend!